Chapter 7 First Impression

For this week’s impression post I decided to talk about option two violence in video games. The claim is that the violence and detail in video games manipulates children in being violent. These accusations are making people crack down on violent video games, from just regulating them to out right banning them. I myself find both of these ideas not necessary.

Personally I play video games almost daily, I think them to be a stress reliever or simply just a way to have fun. Now i’m not going to say video games can’t have an affect on children, I definitely think they can. What the problem is with violent video games go back to the parents and how the teach there kids to understand them. First of all parents need to realize that the violent video games have ratings on them telling you your child shouldn’t play the game till there a certain age. Further more if you do purchase these violent games for you child as a parent you need to explain to them this game isn’t real. Also teach them that if they replicate the actions in the game there are real world consequences.

So do I believe we need to ban violent video games, absolutely not. We need to reinforce the parenting to children who play these violent video games.

1 Comment

  1. It’s very easy to believe that if something doesn’t affect an individual personally that it most likely won’t affect the public as well. For example, I am not addicted to coffee–I can have a cup every couple of days, but feel completely fine without coffee for weeks because I am not dependent on it–this does not mean that a large majority of individuals are addicted to coffee. The same applies with violent video games. While many may not be affected by the violence, some individuals definitely might be. It’s a good suggestion to recommend only buying games that fall under the child’s age, but I would worry that this could lead to that child feeling excluded from activities that their peers are participating in, which would very likely be playing video games.


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